What to Expect
Are you ready to take control of your skin health?
Working together to achieve your goals with our specialist advice and treatment portfolio.
Please call the clinic landline on 01564 824143 to book your consultation.
If there is no answer please leave a voicemail. We will return your call within 24 hours.
Or email admin@maxinemoseley.co.uk or enquiries@maxinemoseley.co.uk.
Alternatively you can send us a message and we will call you back to book an appointment.

Preparation for your appointment
Once your appointment is booked you will receive a confirmation email from the Phorest Clinic Software System. It also has directions.
2-3 days before your appointment you will receive a health questionnaire via an email. Please ensure it is fully completed before you attend and answer all questions.
If you are attending for a procedure, there will also be digital consultation forms to complete.
The consultation lasts 30-60 minutes.
If you cannot attend please do try to give at least 48 hours notice so the slot can be offered to another patient.
If you feel unwell please do not attend and rearrange.
Best treatment plan for your skin health
Once your initial consultation is completed, you should feel empowered to make an informed decision on what is best for you. You may go in with ideas of what you would like, or previously been treated for. However, Maxine may offer you a different approach, always with honest advice, to improve your skin health and appearance.
If you would like to book the procedure, a 50% deposit is required.
We will book in a convenient appointment for you. It is best to have procedures arranged with at least a two week gap before going abroad or for a special occasion.
For subsequent treatment bookings, at least 1-2 weeks advance notice is best. To enable Maxine to get your products ordered in and ready for you. Also to secure your most convenient date and time.
Following the treatment, Maxine would like a review appointment, the time frame and follow-up will be discussed and arranged.
Skin Clinic COVID-19 Guidelines
National guidelines and legislation continue to change, however in a health-care/clinic setting it is our duty of care and responsibility to public health and safety.
Due to the close contact services we provide, we continue to wear mask, apron and gloves. Hand sanitiser is available as you enter the building on the left hand side of the doorway and in all rooms.
Please bring a mask to wear, although this may be removed for certain procedures.
We aim to keep 2 metres distance apart, when in close contact treatment, PPE is worn.
There will be tissues and bins available in each room if you do need to cough and dispose.
Regular cleaning/sanitising is ensured.
We also use the Combat-19 atmospheric sanitiser.
Dermal filler treatment must be scheduled around the Covid-19 Vaccine. Two weeks before the vaccine and three weeks after due to the enhanced immune response after vaccine.
For Botulinum Toxin, one week before and one week after.
Payments can be made via bank transfer before your treatment or the payment terminal. Which is cleaned in between each use. Also a clean pen is offered to use to input PIN number.